Welcome to Bald Hills Uniting Church

We are a congregation with a passion for God and for the local communities in which we live. Were ordinary people who seek to follow the way of Jesus Christ, and welcome others to join in with the journey of faith.


This domain baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au presently has an average traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more users). We have evaluated eleven pages within the web site baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au and found zero websites linking to baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au.
Pages Analyzed


This domain baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au is seeing alternating amounts of traffic for the whole of the year.
Traffic for baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au

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Traffic ranking (by month) for baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au

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Desktop Screenshot of baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au Mobile Screenshot of baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au Tablet Screenshot of baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au


We revealed that a single root page on baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au took five thousand two hundred and eighty-two milliseconds to stream. Our web crawlers could not find a SSL certificate, so therefore we consider this site not secure.
Load time
5.282 seconds
Internet Address


I observed that baldhills.unitingchurch.org.au is utilizing the Apache os.


Welcome to Bald Hills Uniting Church


We are a congregation with a passion for God and for the local communities in which we live. Were ordinary people who seek to follow the way of Jesus Christ, and welcome others to join in with the journey of faith.


This domain has the following in the site, "Bald Hills Uniting Church is a congregation." Our analyzers observed that the web site also stated " With a passion for God." The Website also stated " And for the local community. Were ordinary people who seek to follow the way of Jesus Christ, as well as welcoming others to join-in with the journey of faith. Amongst our regular activities, we gather for worship every Sunday at 8. A Tongan service is conducted at 1. Wed love the chance to meet you, to hear a bit of your story, and get to know you better." The website's header had Bald Hills as the most important keyword. It was followed by Church, Uniting Church, and Christian which isn't as highly ranked as Bald Hills. The next words the site uses is Gospel. Methodist was also included and might not be understood by search parsers.


Centro de Referência de Assistência Social Bairro Confisco

Centro de Referência de Assistência Social. BH Cidadania Vila de Fátima.

- CRAS Vila Coqueiral Belo Horizonte - Centro de referencia do assistente social .

Centro de referencia do assistente social . Reuniao de Pais e Filhos . Sujestoes de atividades ou palestras . Desculpe, mas está procurando por algo que não está aqui. BH cidadania cras vila fatima. Centro de Referencia da Pessoa Idosa. Portal da transparencia da PBH. Twitter da Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte.

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Centro de Referência da Pessoa Idosa -BH Projeto da Coordenadoria do Idoso

Centro de Referência da Pessoa Idosa -BH. Ano novo vida nova e o Centro de Referência da Pessoa Idosa continua a todo vapor com atividades destinadas ao público idoso e nesse período de férias estaremos oferecendo atividades específicas, então venha participar das atividades realizadas aqui no Centro e não fique de fora.